报告(一)Fabrication of Polycrystalline Translucent Ce:Lu2SiO5 Ceramic Scintillator and Its Luminescent Properties
报告人:施鹰 教授
个人简介 19907月毕业于中国科技大学,19959月于中科院上海硅酸盐研究所获工学博士学位,现任上海大学科研处副处长。已在J. Am. Ceram. Soc., J. Euro. Ceram. Soc., Opt. Mater., J. Alloys and Compounds, Apl. Phy.A., Mat.Lett.等国内外重要学术刊物上发表论文100余篇,申请中国发明专利20项,获授权4项。参与了有关著作3部、译著1部的编写和翻译工作。目前承担了国家和地方政府科研项目,以及与企业间的横向合作攻关项目10余项。
报告人:谢建军 教授
报告时间:20130122日(星期二)上午 10:00 --- 11:30

报告(三)Preparation and Applications of Functional Nano-carbon Papers
个人简介1996-2000 合肥工业大学,粉末冶金,学士学位;2000-2003 合肥工业大学,材料学,硕士学位;2003-2006 中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所,材料物理与化学,博士学位;2006-2008 韩国科学技术院(KAIST),BK21博士后;2008年4月加入中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所研究员
摘要Nano-carbon papers are composed of carbon nanotube network frames and other carbon-based fillers, such as C60, graphene or nanowires. As one of macroscopic forms of carbon nanotubes, nonwoven combines many excellent functional properties including porous structure, light weight, conductive and flexible characteristics. It shows promising applications in energy storage electrodes, environmental purification and repair, smart materials, structural and functional integrated materials, electromagnetic shielding, thermal management materials, and so on. In this talk, some recent progresses in the scalable manufacturing and applications of nano-carbon papers will be presented. Firstly, nano-carbon papers with large size could be fabricated by vacuum filtration or tape casting method. The frame structure could be tuned by CNT structures, lengths and orientations. The orientation of short carbon nanotubes along vertical direction to the surface could effectively enhance the thermal transportation performances. Secondly, the free standing nonwoven could be easily functionalized by the generally used industrial process, such as coating, infiltration, dipping, and so on. These composite papers integrated the active materials with the advantages of carbon nanotubes, and could be used as active electrodes and current collectors in the meantime. In addition, activated carbon, metal oxides, conductive polymer and other faradic active materials were grafted on nano-carbon papers to develop flexible electrodes materials for supercapacitors. It is no doubt that the commercialization of nano-carbon papers will effectively promote practical applications of carbon nanotubes and facilitate the sustainable development of carbon nanotube industries.

报告人:游常 博士
摘要:电泳沉积是一种两步工艺:电泳和沉积。电泳是指胶体中的带电粒子在电场中的定向移动,是印度科学家G. M. Bose于1740年发现的。沉积则是指颗粒聚集成膜或者块体。电泳沉积是一种胶体处理工艺,这种处理工艺可使陶瓷素坯内部的缺陷数量和尺寸减少。在上世纪九十年代,Nicholson等发现,通过改变悬浮液的种类,可以通过电泳沉积法一步成型层状复合材料。由于电泳沉积具有以下优点:设备简单,成本低;成膜快,可以大规模制膜;被镀件(用于沉积薄膜的基体)的形状不受限制,薄膜厚度均匀;制备的薄膜厚度可控;电泳沉积时可以连续进料,料液可循环利用,无污染物排出,因此近年来得到广泛关注,并有了令人满意的结果。需要指出的是沉积层只是粉末堆积,所以电泳沉积后应进一步致密化,例如烧结或者焙烧以得到完全致密材料。
报告时间20130122日(星期二)下午2:00 --- 3:30