张泽新教授课题组与荷兰格罗宁根大学和格罗宁根大学医学中心Henny C. van der Mei教授、Henk J. Busscher教授合作在 Chem. Commun.上发表研究论文

A self-cleaning surface based on UV-activatable, AgCl micropumps for bacterial killing and removal

Peng Liu‡a, Kecheng Quan‡abc, Miaomiao Liu a, Huaguang Wang a, Henny C. van der Mei*b, Henk J. Busscher*b and Zexin Zhang *a(张泽新)

a College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Soochow University, Suzhou 215123, P. R. China

b University of Groningen and University Medical Center Groningen, Department of Biomedical Engineering, 9713 AV Groningen, The Netherlands  

c School of Materials Science and Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871, P. R. China

 These authors contributed equally to this work

Chem. Commun., 2022, 58, 7030--7033

We report a self-cleaning, bacterial killing surface by immobilization of AgCl microparticles on a surface, acting as chemical micropumps. The surface shows a high bacterial killing efficacy of attached bacteria and exhibits sustainable removal of bacteria as a result of UV-activatable micropumping originating from the photocatalytic reaction of AgCl microparticles. Our work provides an advance in the sustainable use of bacterial contact-killing surfaces stricto sensu through removal of dead bacteria and debris that may shield contact-killing sites.
