Nanocatalysts: Design and Applications

报告题目:Nanocatalysts: Design and Applications

报告人:Prof. Chuan-Jian Zhong

(Department of Chemistry, State University of New York

at Binghamton, Binghamton, New York 13902, USA)





The design of nanoscale alloyed catalysts plays a critical role in harnessing catalytic and electrocatalytic synergies for many reactions, the understanding of which constitutes important fronts of research and development in clean energy (e.g., fuel cells) and sustainable environment (e.g., emission control systems).This talk will first discuss some of our recent in-situ/operando studies of nanoalloy catalysts in catalytic and electrocatalytic reactions, aiming at gaining fundamental insights into the correlation of the catalytic or electrocatalytic synergies with the size, shape, composition, and surface sites.This is followed by discussions of their applications in fuel cells.The market of automotive and transportation fuel cells is mainly driven by high fuel efficiency, long driving range, fast refueling, stringent emission standard, and increasing government initiatives. The operation of fuel cells depends on activity and stability of catalysts, but the current catalyst cost is projected to the largest single component of the cost of PEM fuel cell manufactured at high volume due to the use of high loading of platinum.In addition, there is a high demand of effective emission control system catalysts to address the pollutant emissions from use of fossil fuels, which pose increasing risk of cancer and other diseases in humans and impact air quality and global climate.There is a huge market for emission control catalysts to meet the ever-tightening emission control standards.Other relevant nanomaterials and their applications will also be briefly discussed.


美国纽约州立宾汉姆顿大学化学系终身教授。厦门大学博士毕业后,相继在德国Fritz-Haber 研究院和美国University of Minnesota 大学做博士后,以及美国Iowa State University/美国能源部USDOE-Ames 实验室做副研究员研究工作。钟教授曾获得美国国家科学基金、美国能源部、美国国防部、美国化学会石油等基金会以及HondaUTC Power3M 等公司的项目资助上千万美元。是美国NSC Technology FlexSurface 等公司的创始人之一。拥有17 项美国发明专利和2 项日本发明专利。曾获得包括美国国家自然科学基金事业奖、美国化学会宾汉姆顿杰出研究奖和3M公司教师研究奖在内的多项奖,以及日本科学进步协会Invitation Fellow奖。主要研究包括纳米化学、催化化学、分析化学和物理化学等多门学科的交叉领域,着重在金属和合金纳米材料、纳米催化剂、纳米功能材料、燃料电池和化学生物传感器等方面的研究。已在国际期刊包括许多高影响力期刊中发表了300多种篇论文,已被一至二万篇论文引文(Web of Science13300h-63Google Scholar19500, h-71)。被国际Elsevier按学科排名(Elsevier's Global Ranking of Academic Subjects)选为被引用最多的研究者之一。曾在国际会议、大学和产业界被邀请作演讲报告200多次。



