Effect of oxygen adsorbability on the control of Li2O2 growth in Li-O2 batteries: implications for cathode catalyst design

报告题目:Effect of oxygen adsorbability on the control of Li2O2 growth in Li-O2 batteries: implications for cathode catalyst design

报告人:Wei Chen (Department of Physics National University of Singapore, Singapore 117542,Singapore, Department of Chemistry, National University of Singapore, 117543, Singapore)Email: phycw@nus.edu.sg





Understanding and controlling the growth of the vital Li2O2 product, which is associated with intrinsic property of cathode surface, is essential to design effective cathode catalysts in Li-O2 batteries. Herein we establish the correlation between the Li2O2 growth model and the O2 adsorbability on cathode surface that determines the pathway of the first electron transfer to O2. The weak O2 adsorbabilitydrives the solution growth model to form Li2O2 toroid, while the strong one drives the surface growth model to thin film. Based on this mechanism, we select the N-doped carbon nanocages as cathodeto realize a simultaneous large discharge capacity and low charge overpotential by forming copious thin-film Li2O2,deriving from itshigh specific surface area and enhanced O2 adsorbability due to N-doping. Our study demonstrates an effective strategy to design advanced cathode catalysts in Li–O2 batteries and potentially other metal-air batteries.



Recent advances in mechanism and control of Li2O2 formation in Li-O2 batteries” Lyu ZY, Zhou Y, Dai WR, Cui XH, Lai M, Wang L, Huo FW, Huang W, Hu Z*, Chen Wei*, Chem. Soc. Rev.46, 6046 – 6072 (2017)

Effect of oxygen adsorbability on the control of Li2O2 growth in Li-O2 batteries: implications for cathode catalyst design” Lyu ZY, Yang LJ, Luan YP, Wang XR, Wang LJ, Hu ZH, Lu JP, Xiao SN, Zhang F, Wang XZ, Huo FW, Huang W, Hu Z*, Chen Wei*, Nano Energy. 36, 68-75 (2017) DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2017.04.022


陈 伟 教授 于2001年在南京大学化学系获得学士学位,2004年新加坡国立大学化学系获得博士学位, 2009年初受聘为新加坡国立大学化学系和物理系助理教授,2013年获得终身制的副教授职位,2016年被聘为新加坡国立大学院长讲席教授, 2017年任化学系副系主任。陈伟教授目前主要关注于低维分子量子结构/二维材料的界面问题,及其在二维材料光电功能器件,有机光电功能器件,纳米催化等方面的应用.
